Rod Santomassimo

E 30 Beau Beery and the 15 Principles of Being a Brokerage Freak

Rod Santomassimo         Rod Santomassimo        
E 30 Beau Beery and the 15 Principles of Being a Brokerage Freak           E 30 Beau Beery and the 15 Principles of Being a Brokerage Freak          
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    On this episode of the Massimo Show

    Rod sits down with Beau Beery and jumps right into what he is seeing and doing as COVID is impacting his business and the businesses of his clients.

    The truth is that the vast majority of folks are undecided and don’t understand what is happening and so the natural reaction is to take a pause and see how these things play out. But, according to Beau, as a broker, you can’t chill. The only choice between fight and flight is to fight for your business.

    Investors go to the best of the best brokers in a time of crisis. Hopefully, if you have been building your relationships, this is the time where those people will be coming to you as a resource and it’s important to position yourself to help them. For Beau, this includes lots of phone calls, checking in on people, and sharing ideas with others.

    To wrap it up they discuss the 15 principles Beau lives by and applies to how he runs his businesses. Listen in to hear him and Rod break them down and tell you exactly how to implement them today!

    Beau Beery

    Beau Beery is one of the most successful commercial real estate brokers in the country. Don’t let his relaxed persona fool you. Behind his smooth nature is an incredibly competitive, confident, and competent professional.

    • What you should be doing to build our pipeline 
    • The exact things Beau has done to set himself up for success in this industry 
    • 15 major components of being a successful broker