Rod Santomassimo
E 29 Setting Her Own Path with Beth Azor
On this episode of the Massimo Show
Rod sits down with CRE professional Beth Azor. Beth grew up in a small beach town in Florida and came by the business naturally with a father in CRE. At first, she was determined to do anything EXCEPT real estate and it was easy to see she could do anything she put her mind to. Young Beth enjoyed all kinds of extracurriculars from cheerleading to editor of the school paper and when Dad opened his own firm and bought a hotel and she worked cleaning houses and hotel rooms.
She attended FSU and continued to be involved in school and an RA, joining a sorority, and fundraising for causes she believed in.
It’s no surprise to hear that Beth’s childhood dreams were ambitious! Her dream job was wanting to run the Olympics and loved the logistics of events. She combined her love for logistics and fundraising and was soon work for the Heart Association.
She had had her real estate license since she was 18 to help out in the family business and was doing open houses of weekends to increase her income but it was plain to her boss that she was built for something much bigger than her current role. So much so that her boss flat out said: “Your ambition exceeds us – go do the real estate thing full time and be on our board” And so she did. But the traditional route made her unhappy and bored until someone told her about leasing in the CRE world.
She recalls immediately recognizing the idea that this role was a Transformation of a job into a service and she jumped in with two feet!
Luckily, the company she had been referred to, Terranova, had a leasing agent training program ran by her sorority sister, and her rise from intern to President began.
Now Beth describes herself as a single mom of two teenage boys with 6 shopping centers in South Florida. She continues to transform her job into a service by traveling around the country teaching retail leasing agents how to fill vacancies in shopping centers.
Beth and Rod answer the questions: Is Retail Dead? What is the future of brick and mortar? And give some great tips for CRE pros on how to fill your pipeline just by giving great customer service. They round out the podcast with Beth’s 5 factors of success – listen in to hear what she has to say!
Affectionately known as ‘The Canvassing Queen™’ Beth Azor is the founder and owner of Azor Advisory Services (AAS), a leading commercial real estate advisory and investment firm based in Southeast Florida.
- The importance of knowing and leveraging market information
- The lost art of canvassing is alive and well in South Florida
- The new 4 F’s of retail – food, fun, fitness and physicians.