Rod Santomassimo

E 44 Jon Schumacher: The Importance of Building Automated Marketing Magnet for Your Business

Rod Santomassimo         Rod Santomassimo        
E 44 Jon Schumacher: The Importance of Building Automated Marketing Magnet for Your Business           E 44 Jon Schumacher: The Importance of Building Automated Marketing Magnet for Your Business          
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    On this episode of the Massimo Show

    Rod sits down with webinar coach, webinar consultant, webinar expert, and online marketing advisor Jon Schumacher. 

    Today Jon is a client acquisition strategist, a webinar specialist and an online marketing advisor to consultants and service providers but he hasn’t always been working in the digital world. 

    Finding Online Marketing: 

    Jon grew up in rural Idaho on a horse farm. Like many farmers, he would get up and feedhorses, buck hay and do his chores. He remembers it as a great place to grow up, but always wanted to leave the small town life behind to see what was out there. He left at 18 and toured around the US. 

    For Jon his passion was sports and then the human body. “Before I got into marketing, I got my MBA in physical therapy. I practiced for several years.” Jon tells Rod.  But like many aspiring entrepreneurs Jon fell out of love with the idea of working for someone else. He was looking for other ways to generate income and create financial freedom. 

    He briefly entertained the idea of opening his own PT practice but he didn’t want the small business overhead. He turned to the internet. In 2010 he was the first of his kind in publishing PT info on YouTube. “I was selling content like how to fix your back, e-books and video courses. That was how I fell in love with the online world.” Jon recalls. 

    The adventure began as a part-time hobby and like many, Jon was hesitant to leave his full time job. Eventually, he built up a year’s worth of salary before and at the advice of a mentor, struck out on his own. With a buffer of cash and the support of his new wife he had what he needed to help with the transition. 

    Jon started out in google hangouts software when it was really popular. By the time hewent full time, he was a guru on google hangout marketing. He even had a self-published book and a course he sold on joint venture webinars. Back then, it was a big deal to live stream from your computer. There was no Facebook or YouTube live . It was the first economically free live stream platform. He committed to the process and became the self educator of the time.

    “I started teaching people google hangout and webinars. I pivoted into webinar more broadly.” Jon explains to Rod. “I hosted the webinar mastery summit which was a virtual summit program that generated 8000 subscribers. From there I started offering training programs which led me into the consulting world.” 

    The Power of a Webinar: 

    A virtual tool to reach as many people as you can. A consultant that has a database of people and wants to reach them more consistently might send an email saying you are having a training. At the end of that training you will have a percentage of those people who will want to talk to you.

    But the “build it and they will come” mentality doesn’t always apply in the digital world. Once you’ve mastered the nuts and bolts of webinar hosting the real question becomes: How do you leverage marketing strategies to secure higher quality prospects and transition them to clients? That’s where Jon comes in! 

    Listen as Jon and Rod discuss tips, tools, and best practices for turing webinar attendees into paying clients! 



    Billion Dollar Legacy- Helping Business Leaders Build Their Legacy

    Jon is a webinar coach, webinar consultant, webinar expert, and online marketing advisor. His clients have earned millions of dollars in sales using webinars.  Jon is the President of Marketing Mastery Media INC a digital marketing consultancy focused on sales, marketing, and training webinars for companies of all sizes. He’s also the host of the Webinar Mastery Summit, the largest online webinar conference.

    • Turning a passion into a profit
    • Finding online marketing
    • The power of a webinar