Rod Santomassimo
E 58 Lisa Copeland: Learn From Lisa
On this episode of the Massimo Show
Rod sits down with author, speaker, entrepreneur, corporate guru and so much more…Lisa Copeland.
Lisa was a cheerleader and on the drill team in Arlington, Texas – where football and cheering are a way of life. But Lisa admits she didn’t have a lot of ambition in high school. “I wanted to chase boys and go to fashion college.” Lisa tells Rod
An accidental change of direction
While in fashion college, she did something that changed the course of her entire life: she wrecked her car. “My parents would send me money for insurance, and I did not pay my insurance. I had a totaled car and no job.” Lisa recalls. After the wreck she went to her dad and he said ‘I gave you a car, paid for college, your car Insurance – you screwed up; figure it out.’ There was no public transportation in Dallas so Lisa got creative. She got a job selling cars because they would give her a demo car off the lot.
But it wasn’t as easy as walking in for a job and walking out with a car. At first, the car dealership did not want to hire her at all. In fact. the managers were dead set against hiring her. Lisa called her parents to tell them she had figured it out, “I am going to sell cars and they will give you a car.” she told them. Her parents started to back peddle saying ‘no no we will get you a car’ but it was too late. Lisa’s first big sale was herself. “I talked my way into a job” she explains. Turns out she was really great at sales.
Lisa had never even been in a car dealership before applying for the job but like a lot of us, she learned that you can fake it until you make it. Despite not wanting to hire her and the general lack of support from the management there was one gentleman, Ernie Bays, who took Lisa under his wing and was her mentor. “He showed me the ropes and made sure the rest of the men were nice to me.”
After college, Lisa was doing really well at the car dealership and was promoted to finance for a few years. She then became the finance platform director. “I stayed in the car business for 12 years.” Lisa says.
After her second child the nights and weekends were too much. She was able to transition to the mortgage business because of her finance background. She did so well in the mortgage business that within 2 years she had started her own mortgage company that is still in business today.
Car Buying, Her Way.
Lisa travels the country speaking to small businesses, associations and large corporations teaching methods that got her to the top of her field and made her highly sought after.
Lisa’s first book Crushing Mediocrity – 10 ways to rise above the status quo was co-authored with Rene Banglesdorf who is the CEO of Charlie Bravo Aviation.
If you have a mediocre mind set you will fail as an entrepreneur. There are ten aspects that will help you rise above. The one I start with is:
- Do you believe what you do matters?
- What is your purpose?
Taking her sales presence to the stage
Lisa’s speaking took off after her team broke the world sales record. In sales you must know how to push through mediocre days. If you get stuck the organization gets stuck. I get brought in to help sales organizations get unstuck.
Listen in for all the details of Lisa’s inspiring story!

With more than 25 years of proven success, Lisa Copeland is a powerful female keynote speaker, a business leader and a dedicated pioneer in sales and brand strategy. Lisa travels the country speaking to small businesses, associations and large corporations teaching methods that got her to the top of her field and made her highly sought after.

- Do you believe what you do matters?
- What is your purpose?