Rod Santomassimo
E 16: Mike McCormick: Authenticity and Audience Part 1

Rod Santomassimo
E 17: Mike McCormick: Authenticity and Audience Part 2
On this episode of the Massimo Podcast:
After a string of unfulfilling roles and one ridiculous boss Mike McCormick of Insurance Soup was feeling the urge to be an entrepreneur! Today he’s providing something much more than just insurance. Join Rod and Mike as they chat about filling the needs of his fellow insurance agents though resources and community as well as how you can leverage your captive audience through social media.
Episode One:
Mike joins Rod to talk about much more than the fact that both have strong ties to Stony Brook, NY! After being in a few jobs including mortgage and corporate banking Mike finally found his home in insurance. He quickly made a few great friends across the US and while they came from different companies and served different clients there was no denying that they were having similar issues with vendors, carriers, and marketing teams. This inspired Mike to break people out of their silos of company, location, or clientele and create the hive mind that is The Insurance Soup. Starting with just a few hundred agents Mike immediately began to serve his community of like-minded individuals with courses focused on what they were struggling with and brought forward solutions to their most common issues. With an emphasis on creative and quality content, Mike strives to be the “amazon of the insurance industry” as he creates a go-to resource for agents and companies looking to solve problems and serve their clients well.
Episode Two:
In part two of this episode, Mike and Rod drill deeper into how Mike is leveraging his 10% market share captive audience and social media to connect with his ideal agents. One of the unique aspects of Mike’s social media is that he is 100% himself! He shares personal aspects of his life and while he knows this does contribute to his “Know, Like, Trust” factor his intent (and if you ask him, his only option) is to be authentic with his audience and himself. Transparency doesn’t stop at social media for the owner of Insurance Soup. Mike explains a little about his core mastermind: The Career Agent Concept. This educational resource is full of over 100 hours of educational content including marketing materials for agents and referral partners alike. The goal of this course is to help agents build a business in the digital age on social media. If you are an agent or know an agent who could benefit from Mike and his team’s resources visit thier Facebook page or website!
Mike McCormick – Co Owner of The Insurance Soup
Mike serves insurance agents and companies of all types with resources to help them build a business in the digital age
- how listenig to your clients needs can inform your next steps in business
- leveraging an online community as grassroots marketing
- being authentic in social spaces natraully grows your know like trust factor